Thursday, 23 April 2015

More Russell Blake - Building Houses

Russell says - A friend of mine emailed me today, worried. The email asked whether I’d seen the latest review on one of my books. I said, no, I largely don’t read ‘em anymore. She didn’t believe me, and was aghast at the complaints over the writing in the book. Outraged, more like it.
Here’s my take: criticism is a difficult topic to approach dispassionately, as a content creator of any kind, but if you’re to succeed you need to have a system for evaluating it, so you can learn from the meritorious critiques and flush the garbage.
I used to design and build luxury homes. Big ones. Six, seven thousand feet, on the beach.
When you design homes, it’s much like writing a book, in that your target audience (the client) will express preferences in the style of architecture they favor. Some like contemporary, others Mediterranean. Some demand as many columns and arches and curves as possible, others want only straight, clean lines. One person’s fugly might be another’s treasure. Rather like babies, that. And nobody’s really wrong, assuming the design’s competently executed.

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