Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Turning - Point Calvin's Book - You Tube Video

Calvin has a video for his book. Click to see video

Tony Riches author of Warwick Go to Amazon Uk

and Secret Diary of Eleanor Cobham Go to Amazon

has prepared the video and I offered a view of picture topics which would illustrate the story.


More Russell Blake - Being a Writer

I’ll confess to more than a little arrogance. But I’ll also excuse it somewhat by stating that writers need a healthy sense of their own worth, because otherwise they’d never write a word. It goes with the territory – to have the temerity to believe your words are worth reading, much less paying for, you have to believe that you can make magic happen with prose, or at the very least, tell a story well.

Read on

Thoughtful stuff.


May and June Meetings

The Inkplotters at their May meeting listened and had a lively discussion about members writing on the theme of escapes. These were from an online wedding, a psychopath, the Gestapo, an apocalypse and a burning city. Topic for next meeting on Monday 15 June 2015 – Waking up. Further details see web site.