Saturday, 21 March 2015

Writing for the family beware the cost!

Some self-published authors just write a book and decide only to publish it for family and friends. They have no pretentions to be a bestselling author, nor do they wish to embrace stardom.
In the early noughties that’s just what Maria de Fátima Almeida Leitão Bento Fernandes decided to do. Fernandes, a Portuguese national living in Fundao, wrote a novel that told the story of a family emigrating from Portugal to the United States during the time of the Colonial War. She called her novel The Palace of Flies. She edited it and self-published the book, had one hundred copies printed, and gave them all to family and friends for free. Fernandes adopted a pseudonym for the book, calling herself Bento Xavier, presumably because Maria de Fátima Almeida Leitão Bento Fernandes doesn’t roll off the tongue too easily and it’s a hell of a lot of words to fit in large type on a book cover. Good move Maria… sorry, Bento!

Read on ...

Thanks Mick


Next and last meetings

At their March meeting members heard stories on a theme of a chase about disappointment and time travel. There were other readings about bad friends and an incident in London during WW2. Next meeting Monday 20 April 2015 at 19.00 with the theme - prisoner dialogue. 


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Last and next meetings

New member Dinah was welcomed who is working on an historical novel. Everyone read out their writing attempt at a sex scene, all amusing and two featured a couple where one half had another person on their mind.  Calvin read out an early chapter from a sequel to his book Turning Point. Next meeting will be on Monday 16 March, topic 'a chase' in up to 1000 words. 
