Sunday, 23 February 2014

Next meeting - change of topic

On 27th February Jenn Carson, manageress of Waterstones, will be coming to our group to give us a talk on publishing from the booksellers point of view, we would like to invite you to come along and join us. We meet in Landsdowne Street, our room is between the men's and women's hairdressers, and opposite The Builders. We will be starting at 7pm and if anyone is interested we'll keep a look out for you. So we know you are coming please advise by e mail to:-



Saturday, 8 February 2014

Waterstones Presentation Saturday 8 February 2014

A presentation was made today by Jenn Carson of Waterstones to Calvin Hedley as winner of the Inkplotters Christmas Story Competition.

Inkplotters Report in the Leamington Spa Courier

District Digest
Inkplotters’ January Meeting

Leamington Spa Writers met last Thursday 30 January 2014.

The Inkplotters’ celebrated two recent events by eating a rich fruit cake: Pauline receiving a positive response from a publisher for her draft novel The Affairs of Gods and Men and Douglas passing his one million draft words target set in 2010. 

Members read out each of their 1,000 or so word stories, prepared on the January topic - A Visit. The varied readings generated helpful comments on writing technique, ideas for improvement, ghosts, laughter and appreciation of the creativity and imagination of each of the writers, especially Chris’ two men in black. Calvin read another chapter from his mystery thriller Turning-Point and received comments about his ideas for a cover design. 

A presentation is being arranged in February in Waterstones to the winner of the Inkplotters’ Christmas Short Story Competition.
Next meeting Thursday 27 February 2014. Topic – On a dark and foggy night …
See website for further details about joining the Inkplotters.


Tuesday, 4 February 2014